The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, December 2020

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20201217_XC173791_EM1II_DxOa 17 December 2020 Moon with Saturn and Jupiter on RHS
17 December 2020
Moon with Saturn and Jupiter on RHS

20201218_XC183851_EM1II_DxOa-crop 18 December 2020 Saturn, Jupiter and the moons Callisto and Ganymede
18 December 2020
Saturn, Jupiter and the moons Callisto and Ganymede

20201219_20201219_XC193932_EM1II-EM1II+2EV 19 December 2020 Saturn, Jupiter and the moons Callisto, Ganymede and Europa
19 December 2020
Saturn, Jupiter and the moons Callisto, Ganymede and Europa

20201220_XC204040_EM1II_DxOb-crop 20 December 2020 Saturn with moon Titan to the E, Jupiter and the moons Callisto, Ganymede and Europa (and star HD 191250 NW of Callisto)
20 December 2020
Saturn with moon Titan to the E, Jupiter and the moons Callisto, Ganymede and Europa (and star HD 191250 NW of Callisto)

Stellarium_Screenshot_20201221 Screenshot of Stellarium showing sky at 18:10 on 20 December 2020
Screenshot of Stellarium showing sky at 18:10 on 20 December 2020

20201226_XC264127_EM1II_DxO-Std+2EV-deepPrime-crop 26 December 2020 Jupiter and Saturn
26 December 2020 Jupiter and Saturn